What I learned about Eros through creativity (and how stress blocks both)
Mar 21, 2024
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you will know that I’ve been cultivating the practice of writing.
Last year – when I moved home and became a solo householder again – writing output withered and waned. Faced with the newness of space and place and busyness of doing “all the things”, my creativity got crushed under the weight of daily life.
As we emerged into this new year, I turned a corner, and committed to my writing practice again. If I wanted to write, then I needed to make space for it.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been part of a merry band of practitioners committed to daily writing. The concept is simple. We show up on Zoom together and write. It doesn’t matter what you are writing, for how long, or how many words. Or even if the writing any good.
We are cultivating discipline, dedication, and devotion.
I find myself struck by the parallels between creativity and Eros…
Popular culture supposes that inspiration just comes out of nowhere, and creative expression simply flows spontaneously. Many folks believe the same about sex.
In my experience, the opposite is more accurate.
When I commit to creativity, more creativity comes.
Inspiration begets inspiration.
Idea begets idea.
Energy begets energy.
Many folks are resistant to the idea of making space for sex and time to cultivate pleasure – solo or partnered. We are so deeply ingrained in the belief that it should “just happen”. That there is something “wrong” if or when it doesn’t.
Yet in a beautiful paradox, form provides containment for flow to emerge. Structure creates space for spontaneity to arise.
Particularly in these times when there are many demands and distractions that diminish aliveness.
Never underestimate the impact of chronic stress. Whether it’s close to home – bills, family and work – or far away – the state of the world and war on people and planet.
Stress – when it is ongoing and without hope of alleviation - dampens your capacity to be in touch with the goodness of life. Stress de-regulates the nervous system; taking you into overdriven tension or overwhelmed collapse.
Despite all the advances in technology and time-saving devices, we are working longer hours and enjoying less rest than our ancestors. Imagining that you should spontaneously feel sexy is like expecting water to flow from a stream when it's dammed up with boulders. We need to clear the way for the wellspring of Eros to move again.
Want to try this out for yourself? Then check out my guided Shaking Meditation offered for free on Soundcloud. It’s an embodied practice that supports the release of stress and creates space for fresh aliveness to come in.
IMAGE CREDIT: Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macro-photography-of-water-waves-355288/