Sacred Darkness & the Yin Er0tic
Dec 10, 2024
If you’re curious to experience me and my work, I invite you to join my weekly online Winter offering – Sacred Darkness.
Sacred Darkness is a nourishing and restorative space of contemplation in community. It's donation based (including FREE), and you can join at any week.
You might be wondering, what’s the connection between darkness and sxxuality?
Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about the fantasy version of darkness that fetishizes your fears and titillates with taboo.
I’m inviting you into a soul-rich reality. Experiencing the Mystery of existence.
Mainstream dominant culture preferences a Yang approach to life.
Action, doing and stimulation.
Harder, faster and more.
The drive to be “on” all the time.
This comes at the expense of the Yin way.
Receptivity, being and surrender.
Softening, slowing and savouring.
The fecundity of nothingness.
It’s the same with sxx.
People mostly only know the Yang approach.
Yet there is a whole other world to be explored in the Yin erotic.
When we let go of the cultural addiction to intensity and stimulation, we awaken to the potential within subtlety and expansion.
Darkness can be a portal to the present moment.
An antidote to the busyness of the world.
And a gateway to the sacred.
Where you get to experience a renewed sense of awe and wonder.
Coming into intimate relationship with "All That Is".
Now wouldn't that be wonderful?