Imagine you felt deeply nourished so that there was more of you to share with the world.

Imagine you could cultivate a more intimate relationship with yourself so that you knew what you needed moment to moment.

What if there was a space where you could slow down and savour existence....

Where you released the story that self-care is selfish, and you were fully supported and celebrated in taking care of precious you.

Welcome to SACRED: Ceremonial Self-Care for Women & Femmes

Commencing Full Moon on Friday 29th Sep 2023

Claim your place in the circle

Calling all Soulpreneur She’s...

If you are woman offering a service to others and the world, then SACRED is especially for you.

When you work in the field of wellness and personal transformation, then your energy is at the heart of your offering.

Whether you identify as practitioner or priestess, healer or holy whore, teacher or therapist, who you are is an essential part of what you do.

Taking care of your precious inner resources can often end up at the bottom of the “to-do” list.

You probably already know ALL THE THINGS to do.
You probably give all the good advice and practice to others.
Yet, what about you?

How do you fill up your own cup so that you feel nourished to overflowing?

Let’s come together!

Over the eight weeks...

You will be lovingly held and guided by Gayatri in the practice of sacred self-care.

This is not another course where you get overloaded with content and end up feeling overwhelmed and left behind.

This is a transmission of living in a sacred way.


Here’s what you can expect…

  • Ceremonies expertly guided by Gayatri so that you are held in a transmission of the Sacred
  • Short and sweet micro-practices so that you can effortlessly weave the Sacred into the everyday
  • Longer and deeper practices for personal exploration at your own pace and preference
  • Integration and rest periods woven in throughout the programme so that you don't feel rushed or pressurised to keep up
  • Cultivating inner attunement so that you can discern which tools are right for you moment to moment (rather than feeling you have to get it “right”)
  • Accountability pods with like-hearted peers so that you can feel in the bones of your being that you are not alone
Be part of the shift in self-care

About Gayatri

Since 2012 I have been holding transformative spaces for people to discover the aliveness of their being. Central to my work is grounding in safety, cultivating sensitivity, and embodying the Sacred.

My life and work dwells at the intersection of sacred sexuality, spiritual devotion, and Earth loving. I live in beautiful countryside in Dorset and can often be found talking to trees, swimming in wild water, sitting around a fire and singing under the stars.

After facilitating mixed-gender groups for many years as Founder of Tantra Massage Training, I am now deeply inspired to support other women in coming more fully into their empowered essence. In fact, I believe that the very future of the planet depends upon it.

Let's walk together in a sacred way


Here's what you receive...

Embodied Practice

Direct to your inbox to digest at your own pace.

Ceremonial Space

Elemental Rituals - Earth, Water, Fire & Air. Group and solo explorations. Various times for variety of schedules.

Sharing Pods

Small group check-ins for ongoing accountability and peer support.


Dedicated membership portal for content, connection and resources.

Wilds Cards

Devotional delights and sacred surprises from Gayatri.

Need financial support?
Or able to donate something more?

We are offering two bursary places to women who feel called but would not be able to access this programme without financial support.

Further places may become available through "Pay It Forward" donations to the bursary fund.

If you are more financially abundant, we invite you to "Pay It Forward" by making an additional donation in order to support another women in accessing a bursary place.

Please email us at [email protected] for further details.


Register to receive updates,  announcements and special offers.

This offering is for female-identifying beings only.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question that's not answered here?

Pop us an email at [email protected]